ReadMe file for gridding a la Mark New 2000 Tim Mitchell, 30.3.04 The main program for gridding is This program is based on one of Mark New's called This program takes as inputs the outputs from anomdtb.f90 option 3 - see ~/code/linux/cruts and the readme file there. The location of these files is identifed as pts_prefix. There may be an additional input required of synthetic data, to augment sparse grids for secondary variables - see the published literature for the reasoning here. The synthetic files are in binary format and are identified to the program through synth_prefix. Both identifiers are only prefixes, not full names, because the program itself supplies the year-specific file endings.i Use anomfac and synthfac as appropriate. Use year1 and year2 to specify the range of years to process. Use out_prefix to specify the location of the output files. Use dist to specify the correlation decay distance for the climate variable being interpolated - necessary information to determine where to add dummy or synthetic data. Use gs to specify the grid size - 0.5 for half-degree Use dumpbin to dump, Mark New style, to unreadable IDL binary files Use dumpglo to dump, Tim Mitchell style, to .glo files (suite of processing software for .glo files under ~/code/linux/goglo) Don't bother with dumpmon Use binfac and actfac as appropriate If creating primary variables, don't bother with synthetics. If creating secondary variables, create (or find) primary variables, grid at 2.5deg resolution, and store as IDL binary files. Then use to create synthetic grids for the correct variables. Then use on the secondary variable, with synth_prefix supplied, to create the new grids. Bear in mind that there is no working synthetic method for cloud, because Mark New lost the coefficients file and never found it again (despite searching on tape archives at UEA) and never recreated it. This hasn't mattered too much, because the synthetic cloud grids had not been discarded for 1901-95, and after 1995 sunshine data is used instead of cloud data anyway. To convert the output .glo files into the grim formatted files supplied to users: 1. convert these land+ocean files to land-only files using globulk.f90 option 1 (globulk.f90 is under ~/code/linux/goglo) 2. convert the land-only files to grim using rawtogrim.f90 (~/code/linux/grim)