The HARRY_READ_ME.txt file

Part 35m

Well, VAP finally looks OK, which is good news.

WET looks better, but variability is still too low. It's complicated by the synthetic elements in
combination with percentage anomalies!

I found that I could examine the 'mark New binary files' with Matlab, using (ie):

>> fid = fopen('glo25.rd0.6190','r');
>> [d,c] = fread(fid,inf,'int16');
>> whos
Name Size Bytes Class

c 1x1 8 double array
d 124416x1 995328 double array
fid 1x1 8 double array

Grand total is 124418 elements using 995344 bytes

>> c

c =


>> min(d)

ans =


>> max(d)

ans =


>> hmean(d)

ans =


So we can deduce that the rd0 2.5 degree normals are in days*10. Similarly for the others of interest:

glo25.rd0.6190 0 303 106 days*10
glo25.pre.6190 0 391 21 mm?
glo.rd0.norm 0 310 124 days*10
glo.pre.norm 0 1244 58 mm
clim.6190.lan.wet.grid 0 3090 1018 days*100
clim.6190.lan.pre.grid 0 12430 574 mm*10

My guess is that glo25.pre.6190 has a lower max because the wider coverage of each cell is squashing
the peaks. So.. an experimental run with half-degree synthetics!

First, generate half-degree binaries for pre:

IDL> quick_interp_tdm2,1901,2006,'prebin05/prebin05.',450,gs=0.5,dumpbin='dumpbin',binfac=10,pts_prefix='pretxt/pre.'
% Compiled module: QUICK_INTERP_TDM2.
% Compiled module: GLIMIT.
Defaults set
% Compiled module: MAP_SET.
% Compiled module: CROSSP.
% Compiled module: MEAN.
% Compiled module: MOMENT.
% Compiled module: STDDEV.
grid 1901 non-zero -0.0524 38.0853 75.9241 cells= 921834

Then re-generate synthetic rd0 on a half-degree grid:

IDL> rd0_gts,1901,2006,1961,1990,outprefix='rd0syn05/rd0syn.',pre_prefix='../prebin05/prebin05.'
Reading precip and rd0 normals
filesize= 248832
gridsize= 2.50000
filesize= 248832
gridsize= 2.50000
Calculating synthetic Rd0 normal
filesize= 6220800
gridsize= 0.500000
(etc.. as before but with appropriately larger numbers)
filesize= 6220800
gridsize= 0.500000
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating illegal operand

Then the gridding, using the new half-degree synthetics:

IDL> quick_interp_tdm2,1901,2006,'rd0pcglo05/rd0pc05.',450,gs=0.5,dumpglo='dumpglo',synth_prefix='rd0syn05/rd0syn.',synthfac=10,pts_prefix='rd0pctxt/rd0pc.'
% Compiled module: QUICK_INTERP_TDM2.
% Compiled module: GLIMIT.
Defaults set
% Compiled module: RDBIN.
% Compiled module: STRIP.
% Compiled module: DEFXYZ.
% Compiled module: MAP_SET.
% Compiled module: CROSSP.
% Compiled module: SAVEGLO.
% Compiled module: SELECTMODEL.

RIGHT, stop all that.. Tim O has recalculated the 2.5-degree binary normals for PRE (from half degree)
and WET (from TS 2.1). So.. time to try out the OTHER synthetic rd0 generator, the one that reads
precip anomalies:

IDL> .compile ../../BADC_AREA/programs/idl/
% Compiled module: RD0_GTS_ANOM.
IDL> .compile ../../BADC_AREA/programs/idl/
% Error opening file. File: ../../BADC_AREA/programs/idl/
No such file or directory
IDL> .compile ../../BADC_AREA/programs/idl/
% Compiled module: RDBIN.
IDL> rd0_gts_anom,1901,2006,1961,1990,outprefix='rd0syn/rd0syn.',pre_prefix='../prebin/prebin'
Reading precip and rd0 normals
% Compiled module: STRIP.
% Compiled module: DEFXYZ.
% Compiled module: DAYS.
Calculating synthetic rd0 normal
% Compiled module: RD0CAL.
Calculating synthetic rd0 anomalies

IDL> quick_interp_tdm2,1901,2006,'rd0glo/rd0.',450,gs=0.5,dumpglo='dumpglo',synth_prefix='rd0syn/rd0syn.',synthfac=10,pts_prefix='rd0pctxt/rd0pc.'
% Compiled module: QUICK_INTERP_TDM2.
% Compiled module: GLIMIT.
Defaults set
% Compiled module: RDBIN.
% Compiled module: STRIP.
% Compiled module: DEFXYZ.
% Compiled module: MAP_SET.
% Compiled module: CROSSP.
% Compiled module: SAVEGLO.
% Compiled module: SELECTMODEL.

crua6[/cru/cruts/version_3_0/secondaries/wet] ./glo2abs
Welcome! This is the GLO2ABS program.
I will create a set of absolute grids from
a set of anomaly grids (in .glo format), also
a gridded version of the climatology.
Enter the path and name of the normals file: clim.6190.lan.wet
Enter a name for the gridded climatology file: clim.6190.lan.wet.grid7
Enter the path and stem of the .glo files: rd0glo/rd0.
Enter the starting year: 1901
Enter the ending year: 2006
Enter the path (if any) for the output files: rd0abs/
Now, CONCENTRATE. Addition or Percentage (A/P)? P
Do you wish to limit the output values? (Y/N): Y
1. Set minimum to zero
2. Set single minimum and maximum values
3. Set minima and maxima based on days in month
4. Set integer values >=1, (ie, positive)
5. Changed my mind, no limits
Choose: 3
Right, erm.. off I jolly well go!

uealogin1[/cru/cruts/version_3_0/secondaries/wet] ./makegrids
Welcome! This is the MAKEGRIDS program.
I will create decadal and full gridded files,
in both ASCII text and NetCDF formats, from
the output files of (eg) glo2abs.for.

Enter a gridfile with YYYY for year and MM for month: rd0abs/rd0.YYYY.MM.glo.abs
Enter Start Year: 1901
Enter Start Month: 01
Enter End Year: 2006
Enter End Month: 12

Please enter a sample OUTPUT filename, replacing
start year with SSSS and end year with EEEE, and
ending with '.dat', eg: cru_ts_3_00.SSSS.EEEE.tmp.dat : cru_ts_3_00.SSSS.EEEE.wet.dat

Now please enter the 3-ch parameter code: wet
Enter a generic title for this dataset, eg:
CRU TS 3.00 Mean Temperature : CRU TS 3.00 Wet Days
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1901.1910.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1911.1920.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1921.1930.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1931.1940.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1941.1950.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1951.1960.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1961.1970.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1971.1980.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1981.1990.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1991.2000.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.2001.2006.wet.dat

Wrong again! The saga continues.. actually I'm beginning to wonder if it'll still be going when I JOIN SAGA.

This time, the 'real' areas have variability 10x too low, and the 'synthetic' areas have variability sqrt(10)
too low. The latter can be explained by the binary precip being in %age anoms *10, so modified
to divide by 1000 when calculating (instead of 100). Example (from the normals calculation):

pregrd(nland)=((pregrd(nland)/100.0)+1.0)*prenorm(nland) ; make pre anom into abs

pregrd(nland)=((pregrd(nland)/1000.0)+1.0)*prenorm(nland) ; make pre anom into abs (mm)

'Synthfac=10' will also not be needed in the final gridding, that should take care of the 'real' area variability.


IDL> .compile ../../BADC_AREA/programs/idl/
% Compiled module: RD0_GTS_ANOM.
IDL> .compile ../../BADC_AREA/programs/idl/
% Compiled module: RDBIN.
IDL> rd0_gts_anom,1901,2006,1961,1990,outprefix='rd0syn/rd0syn.',pre_prefix='../prebin/prebin'
Reading precip and rd0 normals
% Compiled module: STRIP.
% Compiled module: DEFXYZ.
% Compiled module: DAYS.
Calculating synthetic rd0 normal
% Compiled module: RD0CAL.
Calculating synthetic rd0 anomalies
% Compiled module: WRBIN.

IDL> quick_interp_tdm2,1901,2006,'rd0glo/rd0.',450,gs=0.5,dumpglo='dumpglo',synth_prefix='rd0syn/rd0syn.',pts_prefix='rd0pctxt/rd0pc.'


That didn't work, real areas 10x too small (synth areas OK though). So..

IDL> quick_interp_tdm2,1901,2006,'rd0glo/rd0.',anomfac=10,450,gs=0.5,dumpglo='dumpglo',synth_prefix='rd0syn/rd0syn.',pts_prefix='rd0pctxt/rd0pc.'
% Compiled module: QUICK_INTERP_TDM2.
% Compiled module: GLIMIT.
Defaults set
% Compiled module: RDBIN.
% Compiled module: STRIP.
% Compiled module: DEFXYZ.
% Compiled module: MAP_SET.
% Compiled module: CROSSP.
% Compiled module: SAVEGLO.
% Compiled module: SELECTMODEL.

crua6[/cru/cruts/version_3_0/secondaries/wet] ./glo2abs
Welcome! This is the GLO2ABS program.
I will create a set of absolute grids from
a set of anomaly grids (in .glo format), also
a gridded version of the climatology.
Enter the path and name of the normals file: clim.6190.lan.wet
Enter a name for the gridded climatology file: clim.6190.lan.wet.grid9
Enter the path and stem of the .glo files: rd0glo/rd0.
Enter the starting year: 1901
Enter the ending year: 2006
Enter the path (if any) for the output files: rd0abs/
Now, CONCENTRATE. Addition or Percentage (A/P)? P
Do you wish to limit the output values? (Y/N): Y
1. Set minimum to zero
2. Set single minimum and maximum values
3. Set minima and maxima based on days in month
4. Set integer values >=1, (ie, positive)
5. Changed my mind, no limits
Choose: 3
Right, erm.. off I jolly well go!

uealogin1[/cru/cruts/version_3_0/secondaries/wet] ./makegrids
Welcome! This is the MAKEGRIDS program.
I will create decadal and full gridded files,
in both ASCII text and NetCDF formats, from
the output files of (eg) glo2abs.for.

Enter a gridfile with YYYY for year and MM for month: rd0abs/rd0.YYYY.MM.glo.abs
Enter Start Year: 1901
Enter Start Month: 01
Enter End Year: 2006
Enter End Month: 12

Please enter a sample OUTPUT filename, replacing
start year with SSSS and end year with EEEE, and
ending with '.dat', eg: cru_ts_3_00.SSSS.EEEE.tmp.dat : cru_ts_3_00.SSSS.EEEE.wet.dat

Now please enter the 3-ch parameter code: wet
Enter a generic title for this dataset, eg:
CRU TS 3.00 Mean Temperature : CRU TS 3.00 Rain Days
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1901.1910.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1911.1920.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1921.1930.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1931.1940.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1941.1950.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1951.1960.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1961.1970.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1971.1980.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1981.1990.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1991.2000.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.2001.2006.wet.dat

Hmmm.. still some problems. In several areas, including a swathe of Russia, the mean values drop
around 1991 - just when MCDW comes in.

Targeted the area and found several candidates:

uealogin1[/cru/cruts/version_3_0/db/rd0] ./getllstations


Extracts stations from a CRU TS Database.

Please define the bounding box in tenths of a
degree, ie 55 degrees North would be 550:
Southern Edge (-900 to 899): 570
Northern Edge ( 570 to 900): 630
Western Edge (-1800 to 1799): 900
Eastern Edge ( 900 to 1800): 1050

Enter the CRU TS Database file: wet.0710161148.dtb

And finally, an output filename: wet.0710161148.57_63N.90_105E.dat

Done. Found 7 matching stations out of 6143

2388400 6160 9000 63 BOR RUSSIA (ASIA) 1936 2007 -999 -999
2389100 6167 9637 261 BAJKIT RUSSIA (ASIA) 1936 2007 -999 -999
2490800 6033 10227 260 VANAVARA RUSSIA (ASIA) 1936 2007 -999 -999
2926300 5845 9215 78 JENISEJSK RUSSIA (ASIA) 1936 2007 -999 -999
2928200 5842 9740 134 BOGUCANY RUSSIA (ASIA) 1936 2007 -999 -999
2398600 6047 9302 521 SEVERO-JENISEJSK RUSSIA (ASIA) 2004 2007 -999 0
2937900 5720 9488 147 TASEJEVA RIVER RUSSIA (ASIA) 2004 2007 -999 0

The last two are too short to have any meaning. The second and third have missing data over
the entire period of concern. That leaves BOR, JENISEJSK and BOGUCANY, the latter of which
we'll examine closer. Here's the series, lifted directly from wet.0710161148.dtb:

2928200 5842 9740 134 BOGUCANY RUSSIA (ASIA) 1936 2007 -999 -999
1936 1200 500 800 500 1100 1400 900 1200 400 1300 1600 1700
1937 1400 1000 1300 400 800 1200 1100 1300 1800 2000 1300 1000
1938 1100 1100 500 1000 1000 800 600 1300 1400 2300 1800 1500
1939 1200 700 900 700 1500 1300 1100 1600 800 1900 1800 1900
1940 800 1500 500 1400 1400 1300 1400 1600 1500 2400 2000 1600
1941 2200 1500 1800 1100 1400 1300 1700 1600 900 1600 1900 1700
1942 1100 1600 1500 1100 1000 1900 600 1600 500 2000 1700 1900
1943 1000 1000 800 0 1500 1100 1000 1100 1200 2000 2100 2100
1944 1300 1100 1100 400 1400 1200-9999 1100 1500 1600 2000 2900
1945 2100 900 1000-9999 900 2100 1700 1200 900 1700 1900 1600
1946 2400 1400 1500 1000 1800 1700 1300 1800 700 1700 2200 2300
1947 1400 1300 1700 1500 900 600 1000 700 2000 600 1300 1200
1948 1700 1100 900 1100 1100 1100 1100 1900 1400 1300 1200 1500
1949 2100 1100 1000 700 1900 1600 800 1500 1600 1100 1600 1200
1950 1500 1100 800 800 1400 600 600 800 1600 1500 1900 2500
1951 1100 1200 1400 500 1000 1400 1200 2000 1100 1400 1100 1400
1952 1500 1200 1100 700 1600 1100 1300 1200 1200 2100 1200 1300
1953 1200 600 1300 700 800 800 1100 1100 1400 2100 1500 2100
1954 1900 1300 1100 1100 800 400 1700 1100 1300 1800 2000 1500
1955 1100 1600 1100 1000 1500 1400 1000 1100 1500 1400 1600 2000
1956 1800 1200 1000 1200 800 900 1900 800 1100 2100 800 1200
1957 1200 300 700 1200 1300 900 1300 1200 1700 1700 1900 2200
1958 2000 1000 1200 900 1400 1100 800 1000 1200 2000 2200 1900
1959 2100 1000 900 1400 1800 700 1600 1300 1300 1600 2300 1900
1960 1700 1800 1000 1600 1000 1500 1400 1500 2300 1100 1900 1200
1961 1700 1400 600 500 1000 1400 1400 1700 1800 1500 1600 1800
1962 1200 1300 700 700 800 1000 1300 1200 1200 900 2100 2000
1963 900 600 700 800 1300 1000 1300 1300 1400 1300 1100 2100
1964 1000 800 1200 500 800 1400 1000 800 700 1900 1000 2300
1965 1500 1100 800 500 1000 1100 800 1500 1900 1200 1600 1400
1966 2100 2100 1400 1000 1800 1200 1000 1000 1200 2100 2700 2400
1967 1800 1700 900 900 1200 900 1100 1100 800 1100 1300 1700
1968 1000 1500 800 900 800 1700 600 1200 1600 800 2200 1400
1969 1400 1500 1000 1500 1300 1300 1100 1100 1400 1200 1500 1700
1970 2000 1300 200 1000 1100 900 1100 1700 900 1500 1500 1800
1971 2100 900 1300 700 1200 500 1000 1600 2000 1400 1600 1600
1972 1600 1600 800 500 1400 1200 600 1700 1600 1500 2400 2300
1973 1400 1200 1600 1600 1200 900 1000 1400 600 800 1700 1800
1974 1800 1400 900 1100 1500 1400 1000 1500 1500 1700 2100 2200
1975 2600 1500 1100 1000 1200 1200 1100 1700 1300 1200 2200 1200
1976 1300 1400 1000 600 1300 600 700 1300 1800 1900 1900 1800
1977 1800 1100 2000 900 1400 1400 900 1700 1000 1600 2500 1600
1978 2500 1100 1000 1300 900 1400 1100 1300 1300 1500 1600 2000
1979 2100 1700 1900 1200 1200 600 600 1500 1000 2200 2400 1500
1980 1700 1100 600 700 900 1100 1300 800 1300 1500 2100 2200
1981 1600 1800 1100 1200 1300 700 1100 1200 1200 1300 1300 1800
1982 1300 1000 1500 800 1200 1300 1700 1400 1700 1800 2800 2500
1983 2200 1200 1400 1700 1200 1000 700 1600 1200 1200 1900 2400
1984 1400 1900 1000 800 1300 700 700 200 400 1500 2400 2100
1990-9999-9999-9999-9999 1000 1100 300 700 1000 700 800 400
1991-9999 400 400 600 800 900 1200 600 800 700 300 700
1992 600 100 200 800 500-9999-9999 700 500 200 1000 600
1993 100 200 200 200 700 1300 100 1100 900 800 300 900
1994 700 200 300 500 1000 700 300 600 1400 900 300 900
1995 900 900 600 900 500 1100 800 0 1000 100 1100 400
1996 600 100 300 1000 600 300 200 1100 1100 600 1000 1500
1997 700 500 600 400 600 1200 500 1500 700 1100 900 1000
1998 700 500 0 1000 1100 1000-9999 900 1300 1500 900 1600
1999 900 400 200 700 200 900 700 900 600 1000 800 700
2000 400 700 600 500 1400 1000 700 600 900 1000 900 1200
2001 400 700 700 300 1100 1000 1300 400 1000 900 900 1000
2002 800 1100 600 600 400 1500-9999 1100 900 700 1100 500
2003 800 800 400 600 500 200 400 900 1200 900 1100 500
2004 500 900 1000 600 800 900 800 1000 1500 1200 900 400
2005 700 300 100 900 600 1500 900 600 900 1600 800 500
2006 600 600 900 400 700 500 500 1000 900 1100 800 1300
2007 500 1000 900 200 1200 900 700-9999-9999-9999-9999-9999

You can see that the data after 1990 are for some months significantly lower than the
period before.. which would be the period the normals would be based on! I used Matlab
to calculate the normals for this series:

6190 1667 1342 1063 933 1172 1080 980 1288 1272 1412 1852 1840

I then look in the 1995 anomaly files, rd0pctxt/rd0pc.1995.[01-12].txt.

Tabulated process for 1995:

raw norm anom
900 1666.7 -4.60
900 1341.7 -3.29
600 1062.5 -4.35
900 933.33 -0.36
500 1172 -5.73
1100 1080 0.19
800 980 -1.84
0 1288 -10.00
1000 1272 -2.14
100 1412 -9.29
1100 1852 -4.06
400 1840 -7.83

They aren't percentage anomalies! They are percentage anomalies /10. This could explain why
the real data areas had variability 10x too low. BUT it shouldn't be - they should be
regular percentage anomalies! This whole process is too convoluted and created myriad
problems of this kind. I really think we should change it.

Back on the case. I need to find where the post-1990 data came from for these three stations. I already know
the geneaology of the database:

rdy.0709111032.dtb (MCDW composite)
rdy.0710151817.dtb (CLIMAT composite with metadata added)

I was going to do further backtracing, but it's been revealed that the same issues were in 2.1 - meaning that
I didn't add the duff data. The suggested way forward is to not use any observations after 1989, but to allow
synthetics to take over. I'm not keen on this approach as it's likely (imo) to introduce visible jumps at 1990,
since we're effectively introducing a change of data source just after calculating the normals. My compromise is
to try it - but to also try a straight derivation from half-degree synthetics.

So, first, we need synthetic-only from 1990 onwards, that can be married with the existing glos from pre-1990.

Actually, we might as well produce a full series of gridded syn-only rd0. Hell, we can do both options in one go!

No point in using the final gridding routine, rd0_gts_anom can produce glo files itself, let's give it a go.

Well - not straightforward. is quite resistant to the idea that it might produce half-degree
synthetics, to the point where I'm really not sure what's left to modify! Eventually found it.. the .glo saving
routine takes a second argument which is a code for the grid size. Because just giving it the grid size just
wouldn't be the same, would it? Here it is:


Now that 23 is the key, but you have to look in to decode it:

if (gs[0] eq 0.5) then SaveGrid=12
if (gs[0] eq 2.5) then SaveGrid=22
if (gs[0] eq 5.0) then SaveGrid=23

So actually, this was saving with a gridsize of 5 degrees! Disquietingly, this isn't born out by the file sizes,
but we'll gloss over that. So, with '23' changed to '12', we have

Produced half-degree synthetic-only WET:

IDL> .compile ../../BADC_AREA/programs/idl/
% Compiled module: RD0_GTS_ANOM.
IDL> .compile ../../BADC_AREA/programs/idl/
% Compiled module: RDBIN.
IDL> rd0_gts_anom,1901,2006,1961,1990,outprefix='rd0syn05glo/rd0syn05.',pre_prefix='../prebin05/prebin05.'
Reading precip and rd0 normals
% Compiled module: STRIP.
% Compiled module: DEFXYZ.
% Compiled module: DAYS.
Calculating synthetic rd0 normal
% Compiled module: RD0CAL.
Calculating synthetic rd0 anomalies
% Compiled module: SAVEGLO.
% Compiled module: SELECTMODEL.

crua6[/cru/cruts/version_3_0/secondaries/wet] ./glo2abs
Welcome! This is the GLO2ABS program.
I will create a set of absolute grids from
a set of anomaly grids (in .glo format), also
a gridded version of the climatology.
Enter the path and name of the normals file: clim.6190.lan.wet
Enter a name for the gridded climatology file: clim.6190.lan.wet.grid14
Enter the path and stem of the .glo files: rd0syn05glo/rd0syn05.
Enter the starting year: 1901
Enter the ending year: 2006
Enter the path (if any) for the output files: rd0syn05abs/
Now, CONCENTRATE. Addition or Percentage (A/P)? P
Do you wish to limit the output values? (Y/N): Y
1. Set minimum to zero
2. Set single minimum and maximum values
3. Set minima and maxima based on days in month
4. Set integer values >=1, (ie, positive)
5. Changed my mind, no limits
Choose: 3
Right, erm.. off I jolly well go!

There was then some copying around of decades' worth chunks of .abs files, to make a set with obs/syn to 1989
and syn from 1990 onwards. Then:

uealogin1[/cru/cruts/version_3_0/secondaries/wet] ./makegrids
Welcome! This is the MAKEGRIDS program.
I will create decadal and full gridded files,
in both ASCII text and NetCDF formats, from
the output files of (eg) glo2abs.for.

Enter a gridfile with YYYY for year and MM for month: rd0abs_mixed/rd0.YYYY.MM.glo.abs.gz
Enter Start Year: 1901
Enter Start Month: 01
Enter End Year: 2006

Please enter a sample OUTPUT filename, replacing
start year with SSSS and end year with EEEE, and
ending with '.dat', eg: cru_ts_3_00.SSSS.EEEE.tmp.dat : cru_ts_3_00.SSSS.EEEE.wet.dat

Now please enter the 3-ch parameter code: wet
Enter a generic title for this dataset, eg:
CRU TS 3.00 Mean Temperature : CRU TS 3.00 Rain Days synth 1990 on
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1901.1910.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1911.1920.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1921.1930.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1931.1940.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1941.1950.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1951.1960.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1961.1970.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1971.1980.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1981.1990.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.1991.2000.wet.dat
Writing: cru_ts_3_00.2001.2006.wet.dat

This is the dataset we're going with.

Go on to part 35n, back to index or Email search