The HARRY_READ_ME.txt file

Part 35

35. Onto the secondaries, working from the rerun methodology (see section 20 above).

Began with temperature, using the anomaly txt files from the half-degree generation:

IDL> quick_interp_tdm2,1901,2006,'tmpbin/tmpbin',1200,gs=2.5,dumpbin='dumpbin',pts_prefix='tmp0km0705101334txt/tmp.'

This produced binaries such as 'tmpbin1901'.

Then precipitation:

IDL> quick_interp_tdm2,1901,2006,'prebin/prebin',450,gs=2.5,dumpbin='dumpbin',pts_prefix='pre0km0612181221txt/pre.'

Finally, dtr:

IDL> quick_interp_tdm2,1901,2006,'dtrbin/dtrbin',50,gs=2.5,dumpbin='dumpbin',pts_prefix='dtrtxt/dtr.'

*** EEEK! Is that '50' a mistype? Meaning that anything using binary DTR will need re-doing? (RAL, Dec 07) ***

And so to the synthetics.


IDL> .compile /cru/cruts/fromdpe1a/code/idl/pro/
% Compiled module: RDBIN.
IDL> .compile /cru/cruts/fromdpe1a/code/idl/pro/
% Compiled module: FRS_GTS.
IDL> frs_gts,dtr_prefix='dtrbin/dtrbin',tmp_prefix='tmpbin/tmpbin',1901,2006,outprefix='frssyn/frssyn'
IDL> quick_interp_tdm2,1901,2006,'frsgrid/frsgrid',750,gs=0.5,dumpglo='dumpglo',nostn=1,synth_prefix='frssyn/frssyn'

crua6[/cru/cruts/version_3_0/secondaries/frs] ../glo2abs
Welcome! This is the GLO2ABS program.
I will create a set of absolute grids from
a set of anomaly grids (in .glo format), also
a gridded version of the climatology.
Enter the path and name of the normals file: clim.6190.lan.frs
Enter a name for the gridded climatology file: clim.6190.lan.frs.grid
Enter the path and stem of the .glo files: frsgrid/frsgrid.
Enter the starting year: 1901
Enter the ending year: 2006
Enter the path (if any) for the output files:
Now, CONCENTRATE. Addition or Percentage (A/P)? A
Right, erm.. off I jolly well go!

crua6[/cru/cruts/version_3_0/secondaries/frs] ../mergegrids
Welcome! This is the MERGEGRIDS program.
I will create decadal and full gridded files
from the output files of (eg) glo2abs.for.

Enter a gridfile with YYYY for year and MM for month: frsgridabs/frsgrid.MM.YYYY.glo.abs
Enter Start Year: 1901
Enter Start Month: 01
Enter End Year: 2006
Enter End Month: 12

Please enter a sample OUTPUT filename, replacing
start year with SSSS and end year with EEEE: cru_ts_3_00.SSSS.EEEE.frs.dat
Writing cru_ts_3_00.1901.1910.frs.dat
Writing cru_ts_3_00.1911.1920.frs.dat
Writing cru_ts_3_00.1921.1930.frs.dat
Writing cru_ts_3_00.1931.1940.frs.dat
Writing cru_ts_3_00.1941.1950.frs.dat
Writing cru_ts_3_00.1951.1960.frs.dat
Writing cru_ts_3_00.1961.1970.frs.dat
Writing cru_ts_3_00.1971.1980.frs.dat
Writing cru_ts_3_00.1981.1990.frs.dat
Writing cru_ts_3_00.1991.2000.frs.dat
Writing cru_ts_3_00.2001.2006.frs.dat


IDL> .compile /cru/cruts/fromdpe1a/code/idl/pro/
% Compiled module: RDBIN.
IDL> .compile /cru/cruts/fromdpe1a/code/idl/pro/
% Compiled module: RD0_GTS.
IDL> rd0_gts,1901,2006,1961,1990,outprefix='rd0syn/rd0syn',pre_prefix='prebin/prebin'
Reading precip and rd0 normals
% Compiled module: STRIP.
filesize= 6220800
gridsize= 0.500000
% Compiled module: DEFXYZ.
filesize= 6220800
gridsize= 0.500000
% Compiled module: DAYS.
Calculating synthetic Rd0 normal
filesize= 248832
gridsize= 2.50000
% Compiled module: RD0CAL.


filesize= 248832
gridsize= 2.50000
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0
% Program caused arithmetic error: Floating illegal operand

(as before, see section 20.)

IDL> quick_interp_tdm2,1901,2006,'rd0grid/rd0grid',450,gs=0.5,dumpglo='dumpglo',nostn=1,synth_prefix='rd0syn/rd0syn'

crua6[/cru/cruts/version_3_0/secondaries/rd0] ../glo2abs
Welcome! This is the GLO2ABS program.
I will create a set of absolute grids from
a set of anomaly grids (in .glo format), also
a gridded version of the climatology.
Enter the path and name of the normals file: forrtl: error (69): process interrupted (SIGINT)
crua6[/cru/cruts/version_3_0/secondaries/rd0] mkdir rd0gridabs
crua6[/cru/cruts/version_3_0/secondaries/rd0] ../glo2abs
Welcome! This is the GLO2ABS program.
I will create a set of absolute grids from
a set of anomaly grids (in .glo format), also
a gridded version of the climatology.
Enter the path and name of the normals file: clim.6190.lan.wet
Enter a name for the gridded climatology file: clim.6190.lan.wet.grid
Enter the path and stem of the .glo files: rd0grid/rd0grid.
Enter the starting year: 1901
Enter the ending year: 2006
Enter the path (if any) for the output files: rd0gridabs/
Now, CONCENTRATE. Addition or Percentage (A/P)? A
Right, erm.. off I jolly well go!

crua6[/cru/cruts/version_3_0/secondaries/rd0] ../mergegrids
Welcome! This is the MERGEGRIDS program.
I will create decadal and full gridded files
from the output files of (eg) glo2abs.for.

Enter a gridfile with YYYY for year and MM for month: rd0gridabs/rd0grid.MM.YYYY.glo.abs
Enter Start Year: 1901
Enter Start Month: 01
Enter End Year: 2006
Enter End Month: 12

Please enter a sample OUTPUT filename, replacing
start year with SSSS and end year with EEEE: cru_ts_3_00.SSSS.EEEE.rd0.dat
Writing cru_ts_3_00.1901.1910.rd0.dat

I have to admit, I still don't understand secondary parameter generation. I've read the papers, and the
miniscule amount of 'Read Me' documentation, and it just doesn't make sense. In particular, why use 2.5
degree grids of the primaries instead of 0.5? Why deliberately lose spatial resolution, only to have to
reinterpolate later?

No matter; on to Vapour Pressure. Here's the complete output from the initial binary gridding,using dtr and tmp:

IDL> vap_gts_anom,dtr_prefix='dtrbin/dtrbin',tmp_prefix='tmpbin/tmpbin',1901,2006,outprefix='vapsyn/vapsyn',dumpbin=1
% Compiled module: VAP_GTS_ANOM.
% Compiled module: RDBIN.
% Compiled module: STRIP.
% Compiled module: DEFXYZ.
Land,sea: 56016 68400
Calculating tmn normal
% Compiled module: TVAP.
Calculating synthetic vap normal
% Compiled module: ESAT.
Calculating synthetic anomalies
% Compiled module: MOMENT.
1901 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 1.61250e-05 6.15570e-06 -0.160607 0.222689
% Compiled module: WRBIN.
1902 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -0.000123188 3.46116e-05 -0.268891 0.0261283
1903 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.86689e-05 4.52675e-06 -0.121429 0.123995
1904 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -1.30788e-05 1.83887e-05 -0.454975 0.0919596
1905 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 1.94645e-05 1.32224e-05 -0.408679 0.0498396
1906 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 3.22279e-05 3.74796e-06 -0.178658 0.0261283
1907 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -2.56545e-05 1.68228e-05 -0.268768 0.0498040
1908 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.39573e-05 3.49149e-06 -0.173230 0.354836
1909 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 3.50080e-05 3.21530e-06 -0.201157 0.0261283
1910 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 3.45249e-05 6.15026e-06 -0.130285 0.144744
1911 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 3.99470e-05 5.85673e-06 -0.360082 0.0261283
1912 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -7.91931e-06 1.06891e-05 -0.279282 0.0261283
1913 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.07153e-05 7.10663e-07 -0.0148902 0.0261283
1914 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 7.22507e-05 2.52354e-06 -0.130205 0.124774
1915 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -2.11176e-05 1.59592e-05 -0.308456 0.0579963
1916 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -8.95735e-05 2.41852e-05 -0.247123 0.140438
1917 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -0.000105104 2.43058e-05 -0.229282 0.282290
1918 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 1.14711e-05 7.76188e-06 -0.248782 0.0261283
1919 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 2.51597e-05 5.75406e-06 -0.295303 0.215085
1920 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -2.78549e-06 1.81183e-05 -0.373193 0.0261283
1921 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.07153e-05 7.10663e-07 -0.0148902 0.0261283
1922 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -1.86602e-05 1.22345e-05 -0.275667 0.0261283
1923 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.76800e-05 1.22728e-06 -0.170021 0.0261283
1924 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.07153e-05 7.10663e-07 -0.0148902 0.0261283
1925 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 8.32519e-05 5.55618e-06 -0.109315 0.186182
1926 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 0.000106602 5.15263e-06 -0.105764 0.206929
1927 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.23023e-05 2.64333e-06 -0.194649 0.0498040
1928 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.50934e-05 2.47944e-06 -0.314917 0.0261283
1929 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -0.000524952 0.000155755 -0.417342 0.215959
1930 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 8.28323e-05 1.87314e-05 -0.328074 0.193805
1931 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -7.80687e-05 3.63543e-05 -0.315060 0.215417
1932 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.62579e-05 3.81547e-06 -0.249130 0.120583
1933 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -3.47433e-05 1.69009e-05 -0.218800 0.148224
1934 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 0.000156604 1.56121e-05 -0.173230 0.152809
1935 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.69520e-05 4.91451e-06 -0.160529 0.120391
1936 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -0.000255663 6.63373e-05 -0.398866 0.0261283
1937 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.99402e-05 2.70766e-05 -0.328074 0.201202
1938 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.91796e-05 6.70722e-06 -0.215017 0.155977
1939 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 4.88266e-05 5.25789e-06 -0.173294 0.0893239
1940 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 9.63896e-06 7.45103e-06 -0.214763 0.0758103
1941 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 4.11127e-05 4.15525e-06 -0.234030 0.0261283
1942 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -9.97969e-05 3.88466e-05 -0.288682 0.148893
1943 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 8.38607e-05 3.48416e-06 -0.0148902 0.163562
1944 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 7.96681e-05 7.91305e-06 -0.227413 0.104055
1945 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 3.37215e-05 3.99524e-06 -0.248782 0.0261283
1946 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.31976e-05 2.63755e-06 -0.128263 0.163584
1947 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 0.000131113 1.66296e-05 -0.353903 0.193758
1948 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.80941e-05 1.62353e-06 -0.0148902 0.163624
1949 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 2.47925e-05 2.45819e-05 -0.328074 0.237848
1950 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -9.57348e-05 7.78468e-05 -0.366764 0.726541
1951 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -6.54446e-06 1.35656e-05 -0.446058 0.0261283
1952 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -0.000158974 5.02732e-05 -0.262313 0.193617
1953 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 1.18525e-05 4.22691e-05 -0.282204 0.230629
1954 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -0.000151975 6.78713e-05 -0.373235 0.230602
1955 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -0.000134153 5.23124e-05 -0.298578 0.0841820
1956 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -9.61671e-05 5.20484e-05 -0.492004 0.0888951
1957 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -1.18048e-05 1.31769e-05 -0.220902 0.0261283
1958 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -8.61762e-06 1.12079e-05 -0.207799 0.148170
1959 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 8.27399e-05 4.88857e-06 -0.0929929 0.170919
1960 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 3.38773e-05 1.53901e-05 -0.207944 0.155940
1961 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.72571e-05 9.01807e-07 -0.0653905 0.0261283
1962 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 8.20891e-05 3.78016e-06 -0.240435 0.126662
1963 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -0.000108489 3.85148e-05 -0.266356 0.0836364
1964 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 3.02043e-05 6.37207e-06 -0.240547 0.150816
1965 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.76898e-05 2.48022e-06 -0.279282 0.143283
1966 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -0.000300312 5.32054e-05 -0.622719 0.0261283
1967 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.43500e-05 8.58218e-07 -0.0148902 0.0496181
1968 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -0.000241750 4.22773e-05 -0.214442 0.271730
1969 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -0.000568502 9.92260e-05 -0.385322 0.0732047
1970 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.07153e-05 7.10663e-07 -0.0148902 0.0261283
1971 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 2.15333e-05 4.77100e-06 -0.188071 0.0261283
1972 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -7.14160e-05 3.56948e-05 -0.365803 0.201611
1973 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.77503e-05 1.17079e-06 -0.160550 0.0261283
1974 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 3.49354e-05 4.93069e-06 -0.149678 0.144313
1975 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.14429e-05 7.36204e-07 -0.0148902 0.0380432
1976 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.49657e-05 3.25410e-06 -0.266356 0.165472
1977 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 0.000107180 1.92804e-05 -0.304625 0.208459
1978 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -4.80106e-05 3.28909e-05 -0.285492 0.105108
1979 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -0.000102001 2.35900e-05 -0.214390 0.112952
1980 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 4.16963e-05 2.70211e-06 -0.144913 0.0864268
1981 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 0.000274196 1.86668e-05 -0.0148902 0.222522
1982 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 8.57426e-07 7.08135e-06 -0.161781 0.0831981
1983 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -5.84499e-06 1.76470e-05 -0.234194 0.128289
1984 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -0.000106476 2.97454e-05 -0.335850 0.150833
1985 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 9.32757e-06 4.35533e-05 -0.323331 0.222522
1986 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 7.22110e-05 4.76179e-06 -0.141725 0.185658
1987 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -2.27107e-05 2.09631e-05 -0.291446 0.103599
1988 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.58090e-05 9.21014e-07 -0.0148902 0.0670816
1989 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 9.54406e-05 1.72599e-05 -0.266297 0.160293
1990 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 0.000218826 3.56583e-05 -0.174187 0.236204
1991 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.93288e-05 8.18618e-07 -0.0776650 0.0261283
1992 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 7.57687e-05 4.27091e-06 -0.174292 0.215085
1993 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): -1.69378e-05 2.36942e-05 -0.314882 0.0420169
1994 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.36348e-05 1.18760e-06 -0.0148902 0.163543
1995 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 0.000281573 6.09912e-05 -0.463574 0.259426
1996 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.03362e-05 5.47691e-06 -0.224751 0.124774
1997 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 0.000132649 2.97693e-05 -0.446455 0.281070
1998 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.96544e-07 3.39098e-05 -0.359037 0.201228
1999 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.91499e-05 2.37232e-06 -0.166206 0.215985
2000 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 4.06034e-05 4.61604e-06 -0.0898572 0.191977
2001 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 0.000138230 8.53512e-06 -0.0512625 0.206929
2002 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 0.000218003 4.36873e-05 -0.760830 0.282290
2003 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 7.00864e-05 7.67472e-06 -0.301868 0.237875
2004 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.49200e-06 2.13246e-05 -0.500544 0.112129
2005 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 6.05939e-06 5.83817e-05 -0.885566 0.199814
2006 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 9.02885e-05 3.60834e-05 -0.455230 0.607388

How very useful! No idea what any of that means. although it's heartwarming to see that it's
nothing like the results of the 2.10 rerun, where 1991 looked like this:

1991 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 0.000493031 0.000742087 -0.0595093 1.86497

Now, of course, it looks like this:

1991 vap (x,s2,<<,>>): 5.93288e-05 8.18618e-07 -0.0776650 0.0261283

From this I can deduce.. err.. umm..

Anyway now I need to use whatever VAP station data we have. And here I'm a little flaky (again),
the vap database hasn't been updated, is it going to be? Asked Dave L and he supplied summaries
he'd produced of CLIMAT bulletins from 2000-2006. Slightly odd format but very useful all the

Go on to part 35a, back to index or Email search