The HARRY_READ_ME.txt file

Part 17

17. Inserted debug statements into anomdtb.f90, discovered that
a sum-of-squared variable is becoming very, very negative! Key
output from the debug statements:

OpEn= 16.00, OpTotSq= 4142182.00, OpTot= 7126.00
DataA val = 93, OpTotSq= 8649.00
DataA val = 172, OpTotSq= 38233.00
DataA val = 950, OpTotSq= 940733.00
DataA val = 797, OpTotSq= 1575942.00
DataA val = 293, OpTotSq= 1661791.00
DataA val = 83, OpTotSq= 1668680.00
DataA val = 860, OpTotSq= 2408280.00
DataA val = 222, OpTotSq= 2457564.00
DataA val = 452, OpTotSq= 2661868.00
DataA val = 561, OpTotSq= 2976589.00
DataA val = 49920, OpTotSq=-1799984256.00
DataA val = 547, OpTotSq=-1799684992.00
DataA val = 672, OpTotSq=-1799233408.00
DataA val = 710, OpTotSq=-1798729344.00
DataA val = 211, OpTotSq=-1798684800.00
DataA val = 403, OpTotSq=-1798522368.00
OpEn= 16.00, OpTotSq=-1798522368.00, OpTot=56946.00
forrtl: error (75): floating point exception
IOT trap (core dumped) the data value is unbfeasibly large, but why does the
sum-of-squares parameter OpTotSq go negative?!!

Probable answer: the high value is pushing beyond the single-
precision default for Fortran reals?

Value located in pre.0312031600.dtb:

-400002 3513 3672 309 HAMA SYRIA 1985 2002 -999 -999
6190 842 479 3485 339 170 135 106 0 9 243 387 737
1985 887 582 93 16 17 0 0 0 0 352 221 627
1986 899 252 172 527 173 30 0 0 0 84 496 570
1987 578 349 950 191 4 0 0 0 0 343 462 929
1988 1044 769 797 399 11 903 218 0 0 163 517 1181
1989 269 62 293 3 13 0 0 0 0 101 292 342
1990 328 276 83 135 224 0 0 0 0 87 343 230
1991 1297 292 860 320 70 0 0 0 0 206 298 835
1992 712 1130 222 39 339 301 0 0 0 0 909 351
1993 726 609 452 82 672 3 0 0 0 34 183 351
1994 625 661 561 41 155 0 0 0 22 345 953 1072
1995 488-9999-9999 182-9999 0-9999 0 0 0 754-9999
1996-9999 40949920-9999 82 0-9999 0 36 414 112 312
1997-9999 339 547-9999 561-9999 0 0 54 155 265 962
1998 1148 289 672 496-9999 0 0-9999 9 21-9999 1206
1999 343 379 710 111 0 0 0-9999-9999-9999 132 285
2000 1518 399 211 354 27 0-9999 0 27 269 316 1057
2001 370-9999-9999 273 452 0-9999-9999-9999 290 356-9999
2002 871 329 403 111 233-9999 0 0-9999-9999 377 1287

(value is for March 1996)

Action: value replaced with -9999 and file renamed:

pre.0312031600H.dtb (to indicate I've fixed it)

.dts file also renamed for consistency.

anomdtb then runs fine!! Producing the usual txt files.

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